Monday, August 20, 2007

booo rex.

Unfortunately, I couldn't see the Indy v. Chi-town game, but I did see the end, and I know that the Colts lost. All I have to say about that one... is that Rex and his team couldn't cut it when it counted, so shut up Bears.

In other news, today was the first day of school. I feel like I've been doing the whole school thing too long. Dang, my "senioritis" is ALREADY kicking in. But this semester promises to be SO BUSY and dare, I say? HARD? Next semester, hopefully I will be on easy street. Maybe so. Tonight was my good friend Chelsea's 21st birthday! She got "officially effed up" at D&B tonight. It just got me thinking! I'm about to turn 21! What am I going to do for my birthday?! I want to have a group dinner, but then again, I don't...unless I pay for everyone, because I don't want to have to go through asking everyone to cough up money. That's why I say SEPARATE CHECKS or one person pay for the whole thing!

1 comment:

brandi said...

Wow y'all started already? We have an extra week!